creating A Successful Website Development

The Timeline Of Creating A Successful Website Development, Launch And Beyond

What is the “Website Development Process” exactly? In a nutshell, the process of developing and constructing a website from conception to completion and beyond. What does this mean when embarking on a website makeover project? The proposed thought is that a well-structured web development process will assist you in creating a most successful website quickly and efficiently – not just once, but several times.

As with any other project, the Website Development Process outlines the procedures to take in order to build consistently. Hire website developers India to create a unique and result oriented website. They ensure that everyone on the team follows the same schedule and procedures, as this will enable you to communicate and plan more effectively, as well as convey precisely what each developer is accountable for and when.


A perfect onboarding process begins with the goal of establishing a mutually beneficial connection between the client and your agency’s project management team. The objective of an onboarding process is to collect and organize all assets, information, and messages for the new website, as well as to develop navigation, functionality, and a sitemap. This phase will address all technical concerns about the project and the eventual website’s hosting.

The following are common objectives and goals at this stage:

  • Create a project plan and a schedule for the project.
  • Define and document functional requirements and needs.
  • Construct wireframes.

Exploring and preparing:

Approx ( one month)

This is the most important stage of the project since it is the step for the foundation towards success. This stage covers a variety of topics, including research, discovery sessions, producing a creative brief, developing technical briefs or a more comprehensive architecture, requirements, and definitions document, as well as creating a site architectural plan, wireframes, and sitemap.

The design phase often begins with the development of many potential homepage design ideas based on branding needs and other data obtained throughout the onboarding process. The agency will recommend these options to the client. Following that, the client will submit a condensed round of input in order to reduce the design direction to a single concept that will include components from both concepts.

Following approval of the site as a starting point, the onbarded agency will use it to construct the subsequent layouts. The Design phase’s objectives are to develop a design direction and to construct and finalize all templates.


(Approx One to Two Months)

Schedule time in your web design schedule for the creation of high-quality content. Qualitative enhancements benefit a website in two ways:

It establishes a trustworthy relationship between a brand/company and prospective customers.

It has a big and beneficial effect on the SEO strength of a website. While this strategy will require time and work, do not underestimate the value of accurate information. If you lack in-house SEO experts, freelancing services can aid you in identifying authors willing to work on a part-time or project-by-project basis. Make a point of hiring writers who have expertise writing for the web. This segment of your web design timeline should be totally devoted to laying the groundwork for your website. The more solid that foundation is, the more effective your website’s internet presence will be.

Your website’s content should contain headlines, headings, and/or captions for items and services. These pieces of content should be written in a tone compatible with your rivals brand and should acknowledge as well as engage potential buyers. Keep your site text simple, consistent, and relevant to the creative brief you created in step two. Consider your website to be an extension of the business or brand with which you are affiliated. Everything on the website should seem to originate in the same location.


(2 weeks to 2 months)

You and your team should begin working on a website only once you and your team have completed the following procedures.

  • The site’s objectives have been established.
  • I came up with a creative brief.
  • We generated high-quality content and a sitemap with an intuitive web layout.
  • A sitemap is a listing of all the pages of a website. Along with the sitemaps created by web designers during the ‘Research and Planning’ phase, your website can utilize one of two types of sitemaps.
  • Lists of a site’s human-readable pages, often in a hierarchical order.
  • Formatted listings for search engines.
  • A strong sitemap is essential to the success of any website. After the site is completed, you and your team can begin bringing it to life.



Beta testing is required at this stage in your web design timeline to guarantee that future customers have a consistent experience. Consider hiring expert testers to locate and watch members of the site’s target market in order to conduct effective beta testing. These developers should be invited to provide their perspectives and critiques. This must needed information will guarantee that the website you’re developing is ready to launch on time.

Additional beta testing can be conducted by a UX (User Experience) specialist. These dedicated developers review your creative brief and sitemap to verify that they operate cohesively to match your site’s requirements.

The procedure includes quality assurance, acceptability testing, and knowledge transfer. Prior launching online, all pages and forms will undergo an internal quality assurance audit. This is the stage during which the client is informed regarding the utilization of the content management system (CMS). Before advancing to the Launch phase, they verify that all features and functionality have been implemented in accordance with the Functional Spec. The design integrity of unique pages and functionality, as well as cross-browser and cross-device compatibility, should be checked. Once the website is up, your organization will give the client the required training and tools to administer it. Additionally, the client should be familiar with website functionality in order to present it to the business partners. The last stage is to get an authorized launch.


It’s now time for the most exciting phase of the website creation process: the design phase. After you’ve properly inspected everything and are satisfied with the site, it’s time to go live. Finally, the new website will be launched publicaly.

To Wrap Up:

As you can see, the Website Development Process spans a wide range of disciplines, including resource management (people, materials, and services), budgeting, and time management. This can be used to create a strong timetable that aids in the organization of the project’s development and clearly defines time and resources.

Website development company India assists in the planning, monitoring, and establishing  your expectations. As a result, you will have a more complete understanding of the schedule and the possible reasons for a delayed item. When you hire website developers from India app developer, each member of staff is held responsible for both their individual deliverables and the overall schedule.

A timeline is a necessary component of every project plan, large or small, since it provides a visual depiction of resources, tasks, and time. A well-crafted timetable should be exhaustive, with each job and resource defined separately. By being this specific, you can examine the finer details of a project, such as when a certain activity should begin and stop, as well as any dependencies on which the work is dependent or independent.

Certain persons (project manager or developer) want to know when a job is being worked on, while others want to know when a resource becomes available (manager) or when the project is done and payments can be made (accounting department). With a detailed timetable, project managers and developers have all the information they need to stand back and assess progress. Accounting can also be kept informed of the project’s completion date and can collaborate with project management to decide when invoices are to be issued. With a well-defined Website Development Process, it is possible to develop a schedule template based on the process, complete with pre-filled milestones and common activities. As a result, modifying the template for each subsequent project is as simple as altering the project’s unique responsibilities and anticipated length. Setting task dependencies automates the process of establishing start and end dates, saving you time. You’ll be pleased when you hire website developers India and invest your time and effort on the project; This will definitely pay you back long-term huge benefits!


Krunal Vyas

Product Consultant, India App Developer, B.Eng., MBA, PMP®

I’m Krunal Vyas, IT consultant at India App Developer, is one of the leading Mobile App and Software Development Company India, I have helped more than 300+ clients to bring idea in to reality. I have attended many tech conferences as a company representative and frequently blogs about the search engine updates, technology roll-outs, sales & marketing tactics, etc.

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