Laravel is a PHP framework that you may be familiar with if you are or want to be a PHP developer. Laravel Developers India has been able to secure its position as the best PHP framework among the most used PHP frameworks in web application development. One of the most talked-about features among developers and enterprises and some of the amazing features it offers is the ability to adjust Laravel performance optimization. The need to improve Laravel’s performance when it comes to developing business-focused applications.
You need great performance and speed to retain and satisfy your customers no matter what industry you serve by Hire Expert Laravel Developer. Therefore, web developers at Laravel need to know how to get the most out of the framework options.
Steps to more control of your Laravel development performance:
Caching and Artisan Command:
Caching is a true companion for Laravel developers to improve speed and performance. When working with various paths and configuration files, Laravel developers can use built-in Artisan commands.
Some of the useful commands are:
1. PHP artisan route: cache
2. PHP artisan config: cache
3. PHP artisan optimize –force
However, you’ll need to execute the commands to clear the cache to reflect any new updates.
1. PHP artisan config: clear
2. PHP artisan route: clear
Delete unused services.
From the perspective of optimizing the Laravel service, we recommend disabling many unused services from the configuration file and commenting on the service provider in config / app.php.
Prioritize enthusiastic loading over slow loading.
Web developers at Laravel need to understand the price of each query. Laravel manipulates the database via Eloquent ORM, which uses “lazy loading” to avoid loading important data until it is referenced elsewhere in the code. With a heavy load, Eloquent responds to the first query and gets all relevant object models.
Profile request:
To monitor performance during Laravel development, examine various queries, how they are implemented, and how you can improve them. You can use a profiling package to see what queries are called and executed on each page.
JIT compiler for Laravel development:
An intermediary Compiler interprets the PHP file and performs C-related actions. Each time the application is started, this process is repeated, making the application slower. To avoid this, use a JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler like Facebook’s HHVM. They are released to support performance.
Asset reduction and consolidation:
Laravel Performance Optimization Mix has proven to be a powerful tool for selecting Webpack builds for PHP applications. Binding multiple assets, such as CSS, to a single file, helps reduce multiple HTTP requests for one and achieves your goal of improving Laravel Performance Optimization.
Avoid (minimize) plugins for Laravel development:
It may sound strange, but it loads the app extra as the features are added. Use only when necessary and remove additional plugins that sacrifice the app’s performance.
Pre-assembly of assets:
Laravel developers often use distributed code to maintain separate archives to help with easy and maintainable development. However, efficiency is required during production. To accomplish this, you can use some Laravel commands while publishing.
1. PHP artisan optimizer
2. PHP artisan cache configuration
3. PHP artisan route: cache
Database or Redis File Cache over Cache:
To obtain additional control over performance, use Redis for caching and sessions.
Apart from the above steps and tips, go for HTTP2 instead of HTTP1.1, use a CDN for asset delivery, upgrade to PHP 7, use libraries for message messaging and implement the SPA page (one-page app).
Frameworks for Laravel 5.2 and 5.4
Laravel is a PHP web application framework that focuses on constructing online applications that follow the MVC (model view control) architecture pattern.
Unlike Laravel 5.1, Laravel 5.2 brings some new features to your suite:
- Support for multiple authentication drivers
- Implicit binding form
- Simplified global scale Spoken
- Opt-in Authentication Scaffolding
- Middleware group
- Determining the middleware speed
- Improved verification matrix.
Authentication scaffolding: The authentication scaffolding feature includes a straightforward and hassle-free way to solidify the authentication view in the foreground by simply running the make: auth command on the machine.
Implicit form links: Implicit form links provide an easy way to direct critical forms exactly to the root and console.
Middleware Collection: A middleware collection allows multiple-root middleware collections under one convenient key. As a result, several intermediate code paths are generated simultaneously. This approach is best if you create a web UI and API within the same application as a good example. You can group sessions and CSRF paths into web groups and possibly run a modified selector for API groups.
Pricing: The speed limiting function is included in the frame, which makes it possible to reach an even limit on the number of requests that a given IP address can make on a route within a specified number of minutes.
Matrix validation: Laravel 5.2 adds a new function for matrix validation, making it reasonably simple to validate matrix from input fields.
Eloquent Global Scope enhancements: Eloquent Global Scope appears to be complex and buggy, implemented in earlier versions of Laravel. On the contrary, with Laravel 5.2’s global query scope, you only need to implement one simple method.
With the release of Laravel 5.4, the technology has evolved rapidly to take advantage of more improvised frame versions.
Let’s take a quick look at some of the additional features of the framework compared to version 5.2.
Laravel Dusk: Laravel 5.4 introduces a “Dusk” feature based on BrowserKit that uses Chrome Driver and the Facebook Php web driver that replaces Symfony BrowserKit, providing Dusk support for Javascript and making it a comprehensive testing tool. The most important function at dusk is to provide simple auxiliary methods such as hassle-free login on the user instance.
Real-time interface: In previous versions of Laravel, it was a big responsibility to create your own interface, but you can easily convert application classes to an interface in the new version. The latest version performs tasks as needed and eliminates countless viewers.
Blade components and slots: There is not much difference between the blade components and the slot functions, and they look exactly like previous versions. Developers that are already familiar with Vue.js will see no difference.
Emails and notifications in Markdown: Developers may create responsive HTML emails with Laravel 5.4’s pre-built Markdown templates and crucial email and notification components. Correct example; When you send an email, the integration of Markdown and Blade components gives you maximum flexibility.
Laravel Mix: The Elixir API, which Laravel Mix uses, is another wonderful feature of Laravel 5.4. First introduced in the update, this feature is supported for building specific tool containers.
Redis Group Support: Redis connection is a separate container function defined for multiple individual hosts and multiple groups in the same application because they do not need to be grouped on a single host in the same application.
Group: In the latest update, Group provides shortcuts or “higher-order messages” that you can take public actions against. In addition, the newest version of Laravel 5.4 provides many features to facilitate application development.
Laravel has all its great features and goes beyond most of the familiar PHP frameworks. More and more companies realize that growth with Laravel Performance Optimization is a great opportunity. It can help increase profitability and, of course, increase ROI. In addition, this framework helps organizations stay ahead of the competition, regardless of their size or location. Use Laravel’s PHP framework to build engaging and interactive websites. Laravel frame is in high demand due to its amazing features. In addition, Laravel provides extensive community support. Hire Expert Laravel Developer, ensure the reliability and speed of your applications.